Lonetree Apple Peach

Review of Lonetree’s Apple Peach cider.  It is my first time trying anything from this Canadian cidery.

Cider:  Apple Peach
Cidery:  Lonetree
Cidery Location:  Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
ABV:  5.5%
How Supplied:  cans
Style:  Canadian cider from heirloom apples, with peaches

Photo Dec 22, 5 22 56 PM Photo Dec 22, 5 23 10 PM

Availability:  likely only in British Columbia, Canada

Cider Description:  Our Peach apple cider recipe is bursting with the taste of fresh & juicy BC peaches. We know you’ll taste the difference.

Cidery Description:  We are a small, BC-owned company, making cider the old-fashioned way. We start with real BC apples from old growth orchards, deep in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia.  Our authentic dry ciders are natural and real – from apples that are crushed and fermented, then filtered fresh clear and pure – much like a premium quality wine.  We believe in local, natural, and sustainable farming. Our business concept started when we were introduced to 3rd generation family orchardists in Kelowna. To this day, we work with that same family, but have also expanded to work with BC Tree Fruits Co-Op which is made up of over 500 grower families in BC for our apple supply.  We selected the name “Lonetree” because we think we stand alone in our belief in a 100% BC quality product. And we use the phrase “old growth orchard” because many of the apple trees are nearly 80 years old.  We believe the old ways are still the best. We know you will taste the difference.

Price:  ~ $3-4 CAN / 1 can
Where Bought:  Victoria B.C.
Where Drank:  home
How Found:  When in port during a cruise.  I was able to buy a number of single cans downtown, mostly 16oz, which is awesome as cans pack the easiest (can fit in a gallon Ziploc baggie).

Photo Dec 22, 5 22 38 PM.jpg

First Impression:  Pale peach yellow hue.  Still (no carbonation).  Smells of sweet peach puree.

Tasting Notes:  On the sweeter side of semi-dry.  Light to medium bodied.  Low tartness and acidity.  Hints of tannins.  No bitterness, sourness, or funk.  Notes of sharp heirloom apples and pomace, peach, and hints of citrus & apricot.  Moderate length tannic finish.  Low apple flavor and complexity.  Moderate flavor intensity.  High sessionability.

My Opinion:  Awesome!  Great peach flavor with a tannic finish, very unique.  Not overly tart either, which I appreciate.  Most cideries don’t use cider apples when making flavored ciders.  This is a bit of a mix between a heritage and modern cider, and I liked it.

Most Similar to:  I’ve tried over a dozen peach ciders (see here and search for ‘peach’), and Tieton Bourbon Peach is the closest to this, except the finish on that was bourbon instead of tannic apple.

Closing Notes:  I’m bummed this isn’t available locally, as I’d stock up.  Hopefully I can find it when I’m in Vancouver in May.

Random Note:  Lonetree’s ciders were apparently available in the U.S. for a short while under the name Soultree (due to a naming conflict).  However, the distributor went under, so their ciders are no longer available in the U.S.  I actually tried Soultree Dry previously, but I much prefer this peach one.

Have you tried Lonetree Apple Peach?  What did you think?